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Beading Tools - What Do You Need?
By Felicity Walker

If you're just starting out in beading, then one of the worst things you can do is walk into a beading store and look at all the tools that are available! There are all sorts of specialized tools, and when you're new to beading, it's impossible to know which ones you really need.

The good news is that it's possible to do lots of great beading without having to spend an absolute fortune in tools and materials. The best way is to start with a small selection of the most necessary tools, and then over time you can expand your collection as you need to. This will happen naturally as your skills develop and you branch out and tray new beading techniques and projects.

It's a good idea to work out what type of beading you want to start learning, and then buy only the tools you need for that. Check out beading magazines, books, or websites to get ideas for beading projects. Look for a list of materials, and hopefully a list of required tools.

Beading tools can be found at specialist beading stores, either at their shops or via their Internet sites. Some also offer catalogue mail order. If you're not lucky enough to have a beading shop nearby, then check out your local craft and hobby shop. You may even find some of the less specialized tools in a hardware store.

Also, remember that it's often possible to pick up cheap tools, but be careful - cheap prices often mean poor quality as well. If you shop around, you should be able to find good quality tools at a reasonable price, without having to pay top dollar.

Some of the most common beading tools include:

- Pliers - round-nosed, flat-nosed, chain-nosed, snipe-nosed and blunt-nosed pliers
- Crimping pliers
- Split-ring pliers
- Wire cutters
- Needles
- Cup bur
- Files
- Loom
- Tweezers
- Hammer and block
- Jig
- Reamer

As I said earlier, which tools you start with depends greatly on the type of beading you plan to do. If you're working with wire, then pliers and wire cutters need to be on your list. If you're planning to bead garments, then the right needles are a top priority. Once you do some research, you'll soon discover which beading tools you need, and you can start your collection.


About the Author:
If you want to read more about beading tools, click over to Felicity's site at To read Felicity's Ultimate Bead Lover's Guide, go to


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